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The Beechwood Service Charter

Our Contracts Manager will have full responsibility for the management of the sites we service. The Contracts Manager responsible for the contracts can be contacted any time for site attendance.

To ensure that all work is organised and carried out, and that trained staff are deployed to carry out each task, materials are ordered and used on the correct cleaning application.

To ensure that the quality procedures are fully adopted and monitored in accordance with our Quality Manual.

Here at Beechwood, our Contract Manager’s conduct regular audits at their sites. Each Contract Manager has their allocated areas and carry out regular site audits at the frequency set out.

The information collated is downloaded onto our main program on a daily basis including any notes, recommendations put forward to the client and general items which need to be bought to the attention of the client. Our Operations Department take care of all the client’s requirements and will submit the reports with supporting photos to you as necessary, upon any findings on the scheduled visits.

The scoring system helps our Management team to identify the performance of the cleaning on sites and helps to schedule in monitoring of future visits. The quality control feature enables the Operations Department to deliver a high standard of service to our clients.

This  increases efficiencies and optimises resources and contributes to the smooth running of the Operations Department.

To ensure that continual customer liaison takes place to ensure that we are providing the service that you expect.

To continually communicate with personnel at the head office and prepare progress reports as necessary.

The Contracts Manager will be supported by senior personnel at the Head Office up to and including the Managing Director

The company’s commitment to supervision and management is aimed to ensure high standards.

Beechwood Property Services is dedicated in providing a high quality service to all of our clients. With regards to this contract we will utilise our internal quality monitoring and performance systems, these include regular auditing to ensure we remain at the required service level. This process identifies any deficiencies and provides remedies that will ensure a constant level of high service delivery, furthermore our knowledge base and commitment to skill learning will enable us to deliver on time every time.